Monday, March 8, 2010

Sara's Parisian Epicurean Night

Hey, kids! Just putting up an entry to get plans rolling for Sara's epicurean night! It's this coming Sunday, the 14th. Sara - what time should we come down, and can you send the address/directions for those who don't know?

Dan and I will be driving down and will be happy to carpool - we'll have to take my car since his isn't totally street-legal, which means we can fit two more comfortably. We'll be heading right through portsmouth - so maybe two of you p-town area kids might want to come with us?

Bera - can you also confirm that parking is open to non-residents on Sundays?

Since no one else has claimed it, I'm going to jump on it and bring a tasty Parisian appetizer!


Jacquelyn Benson said...

Oh - forgot to give my head count! Dan and I will both be coming along, and he'll be bringing some booooooze. :)

If you guys can post your head-count, I know it'd help me know how much food to bring! (and I'm sure would help bera too!)

caitlin said...

I'l have 2
I'm not sure what I'm making... Nutella and banana crepes? Probably not epicurean enough... Back to the drawing board.

caitlin said...

I may not make nutella crepes but i'll bring dessert.

caitlin said...

also- when I gave a headcount of 2 i was including myself.

Unknown said...

I'll have my lady with me. I'm not sure what ill make yet, but i'll let you know.

Peter Reed said...

I won't be able to make it down. but have a great time.

caitlin said...

Will your roommates be there? Also- does anyone know if Chrissy is coming?

Jacquelyn Benson said...

Chrissy is coming, along with Brian - and good question about the roommates, eeek - I totally forgot about that!!!

Sara Argue said...

Hey guys
Sorry I forgot to mention MY numbers! I'm going solo - there may be an unlikely drop in by one roommates... they are both away and busy muffins, so don't count them in.

My kitchen is smelling sooooooooo good. Can't wait for tonight!

See you,